Today Logitech G reveals its new Prodigy series of gaming accessories, two mice, a keyboard and a headset designed with the goal to be "gaming gear made exclusively for everyone."
from Kotaku
Today Logitech G reveals its new Prodigy series of gaming accessories, two mice, a keyboard and a headset designed with the goal to be "gaming gear made exclusively for everyone."
Broken Reality is a first-person game set in a psychedelic re-imagining of the Internet. You'll be able to explore and meet characters as you please, and areas will function as representations of online subcultures. It looks weird as hell, like the final dream of a dying Dreamcast. It's on Kickstarter right now.
Armello is an excellent fantasy board/card game that's been on Steam since 2015. With (Fahey-approved) DLC and console versions recently released, developer League of Geeks made a curious announcement: the game's DRM-free, non-Steam PC version won't be receiving DLC.
In a mass filing under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), Nintendo has apparently flagged over five hundred and fifty titles for takedown. Focusing on the site Game Jolt, a notice said to come from Nintendo listed a total of 563 title for removal from the site. The majority of these titles were fan made tributes or independent works.
Today on Highlight Reel we have Source Filmmaker recreations of viral hits, rockets, newspaper readings, Reaper suicides, and much more!
Giving one of the world's most iconic video game characters a makeover for his latest mobile game, Bandai Namco have created a Pac-Man that really works with today's more minimalist cartoon sensibilities. Or he's just really damn cute.
Many women today walk around attached to some sort of technology: an iPhone, a Fitbit, a mech suit, a headset. In 2016's digitally-addicted world, it's nearly impossible to meet a woman who isn't either listening to music or a body pillow—clearly, a function of our internet-obsessed society.