
jeudi 15 septembre 2016

Honor 8 in Pictures: Blue, Black and White


The Honor 8 comes in three different color options that really change the personality of your device. With the choices of Midnight Black, Sapphire Blue and White Pearl, we wanted to show you some pictures of each option and talk about the differences. Just a quick reminder about our partnership with Honor where you can win prizes just by being active in Honor forums on XDA. Also, be sure to check out the Honor 8 forums.

These different colors are not applied to a shiny plastic body like you see in many smartphones. These have a very metallic look and are encased in 15 layers of light-catching material. This makes the color of your device significant because it doesn't just change the look of the phone, but it affects the refraction of light as well.


Reflections of light on the back side of the Honor 8

Set the Honor 8 next to other Android devices and it will stand out with the noticeable and unique reflections coming from your phone.


The Honor 8 in Midnight Black

With the Midnight Black option, reflections are darker and give the phone a look similar to a black sports car. On the front of the phone you'll have less of a contrast between the bezel and the screen to bring together this blacked-out premium look.


The Honor 8 in Sapphire Blue

The finish on the Sapphire Blue option has multiple personalities: sometimes it looks like bright metallic blue, as shown above, and sometimes it has more of deep navy look that reminds us of the ocean. It's reflective with a level of depth that makes light look as if light is passing through the surface of your phone and illuminating the glass layers beneath it. This is a very bold and eye-catching option.


Honor 8 in White Pearl

White, being a popular color for electronics because it hides fingerprints the best, is a way to make sure all of your tech matches. The simplicity of the white edges complement the bright and vivid display of the Honor 8. The back of the phone looks beautiful with the silver metallic trim around the edges and outlining the fingerprint sensor.


The side-rails are color matched based on the color on the Blue and Black versions (with blue and black rails, respectively), while the White model has silver rails.

Here are some more photos of the different options. Take a look and see which one would be the best fit for you.

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  Honor 8 Review

from xda-developers

mercredi 14 septembre 2016

Stepping into Programming & Android Development: Can Online Courses Cut it?

Android is a wonderful platform: the sheer flexibility of the mobile OS is the main reason we all choose to use it instead of its competitors. Because Android is so flexible, it leaves plenty of room for developers to create a wide number of applications and services.

As a lover of all things Android, I have always aspired to obtain the skills necessary to become an app developer. But alas, the complexity of Java and time requirements of engineering school kept me from pursuing the knowledge needed to properly develop. I needed to find a course that was approachable and that can adjust to my time table, rather than the other way around. That is where Stackskills came in. They approached us at XDA to check out one of their many courses, to see if they were worthwhile, so we did. Jumping at the opportunity, I picked out a course and began as soon as I could.

They do offer a wide range of courses, and the prices vary depending on what you get. The course I chose was "The Complete Android Developer Courseby Rob Percival; it appears very robust, offering lessons from starting with Java all the way until submitting your apps to the Play Store, and how to make a simple website to promote said apps.

The course is stated to be geared towards beginners, and that is almost exactly what I am. I have attempted to teach myself how to start developing for Android, but have always gotten discouraged with the complexities involved, such as learning a whole new language (Java), and mastering the Android Studio Program by myself. The absolute maximum of coding I have ever properly done is with HTML and CSS in a high school IT class (Thanks Mr. Steffens!), so as far as app development goes, I have little to no experience.

Lessons cover a wide selection of all things needed to become a competent Android Developer. I have spent the last two and a half weeks taking his course, and already feel very confident about the amount of information I am receiving for the time and listed price. To put it in perspective, I'm only 20% through the lectures, and already have 4 basic apps under my belt, not including method demonstrations and sample code.

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The Lessons

So far the lessons have covered the basics of the Android Development world. They are broken up by lectures on individual topics, and each topic is presented in video form, with a download link to Rob's example files so you can compare his builds with yours.

The first lesson was an introduction to Android Studio, and how to use it properly to create your apps. The basics are covered; how to start projects, add in UI elements, link buttons through basic code, and summon toast messages. The next lesson was a 'Java Deep Dive' where Rob focused on teaching us about the programming language and its basics. The lesson covered how to setup a basic Java document, understanding variables, understanding arrays and maps, if/else statements, for and while loops, and classes and objects. Rob will guide you along, and provide a brief explanation for each line of code produced in the lessons.

The third lesson, the one I am currently on, covers media in an app. So far we've covered layouts in apps, how to import videos and audio into an app, as well as how to set up basic media controls for said apps.

The Apps

At the end of each lesson, Rob asks you to make a full app to apply the knowledge provided so far. The final app of the first lesson is a basic Currency Converter that is coded to convert US Dollars to Euros. The second lesson has two apps that were created, a number guessing game, and an app that will tell a user if the number they input is triangular or square. The number guessing game is a good example of how integers and numbers work in Java, as well as a great example of if/else statements. The Triangular/Square number app is another great example of the concepts used in the number guessing game.

The first app for the lesson I'm currently on is a 'Connect 3' game, which mixes Connect 4 with Tic-Tac-Toe (Nots and Crosses, as Ron calls it), which showcases a lot of what I've learned so far. It includes examples of Image linking, moderate Java Logic, animations and transitions, layout methods, button linking, and simple pop ups. This app has given me the most in terms of opening my eyes as to what it's like to put an app together, even if it's very a simple app. All of this is extremely basic, but for a couple of weeks of time with limited availability due to family, school, and work, it feels like progress.

A huge advantage to these lessons being offered online is the ability to put down and pick up the classes whenever you want. In my two and a half weeks, I was working 20+ hours a week at a day job, taking full time college classes, and taking care of a family at home. The ability to view the lessons and practice my developing skills at my own pace has certainly helped in keeping me from feeling burnt out on the tasks.


Mobility is another plus to online courses. The videos are available through a browser website, meaning you can open the lectures on any device with a browser. I watched the videos on my old laptop, and was able to keep up with the course while traveling across a 400 mile stretch of Tennessee.

Having a good instructor is also a large benefit, although largely hit-or-miss. The way Rob conducts his course is very similar to how my engineering classes are conducted. He will show you how to implement a method via example and definitions, and will give you a challenge after each video to task your abilities to apply what was taught. At the end of each lesson he will test you by asking you to develop a full app, sometimes asking you to go out and learn a small part of the lesson he might have purposely skipped.

It definitely feels like Rob is successful in explaining how to develop apps, as well as stimulating me as a student to think independently and problem solve on my own. There is no way for me to submit my apps to Rob, rather I pause the lecture, attempt the app on my own, then resume the video to see Rob's answer on how to build the app — each person's experience will be different depending on how they plan to approach the course, and how much they want to challenge themselves.

When the question is asked, "Can you really learn how to be a full app developer by taking an online class?" most will be quick to call out, "no". But so far in my time with Rob I have high optimism that I will be able to come out of the course ready to develop various types of apps with relative ease.

Learning Android developing through a lesson is only the beginning of a journey, and your mileage in any course will vary depending on your experience and dedication. Many people can develop apps on their own and learn on their own, but having a central and tidy set of resources and lessons can be very valuable, especially for those with various other responsibilities or time restraints. It's not for everybody, but it's not bad for those who need it.

from xda-developers

Wakelocks and Battery Life Instability: Why Android Needs Better, Accessible Tools to Pinpoint Battery Drain

Battery is the hottest topic these days — figuratively, speaking of course. But another battery-related topic does not get as much attention as the issue deserves: battery life instability on Android.

Starting off with a very broad and general brush, Android and battery life are not the best of buddies. If you ask any average user if they are content with the battery life their phone offers beyond the honeymoon period, chances are that they do see a lot of room for improvement… At least depending on what day of the day it is. And they would not be wrong, because in a nutshell, battery life on Android is one of the most volatile and unstable aspects of the OS that has continued to exist from its infant days. You can have days where your phone does not break a sweat, and in the same vein, you can have days where your phone spends most of the day hugging a wall. And there often is no clear tip-over point where you shift from one state to the other.

The variance in battery life in day to day usage, for the same user and often the same use-cases, is what causes bewilderment. A good phone can have good battery life for a few weeks, and then suddenly start acting up. Most of us would have also faced inexplicable wakelocks, after which we spend minutes, hours or even days figuring out the cause for this unexpected drain. We often see the biggest draw being Google Play Services, but the services act as a framework which other apps and services call upon to provide data and offer their functionality. Play Services draws most of the ire, while in many instances it is just working as the messenger who gets shot. But since it is so opaque in its working from an end-user perspective, there is no easy to figure out just what is causing Play Services to go into overdrive, or if it is indeed Play Services itself.

The issue then moves on to rogue apps that we may have installed. It is more of a problem for the average user, ones who do not pay microscopic attention to what apps they are downloading, which apps have gotten updated, and how the app manages to do things it claims to do. For example, an app could still continue to use the dated practice of periodic polling instead of the now-standard GCM push, and that will definitely have an effect on your battery in some capacity. The end user does not know, or care enough, about this. But the result does affect him, disturbing his perception of Android phones and their battery life when in reality it could be just one poorly coded app.

Issues do not remain solely with rogue apps that are newly installed. Some older apps go rogue when they are updated, adding in features that no one asked for and eating up resources that could be used elsewhere. A prime example of this behavior is Snapchat with its Discover update, which caused widespread battery and data consumption issues during its initial rollout. As the feature was mandatory and not opt-in, the average consumer who auto-updates his apps would have little clue as to what is happening. What he is instead presented with is a huge data bill and noticeably worse battery life with no clue as to what is happening. Unless the user proactively tries to find out the cause, he shall be condemned to remain oblivious of the true culprit and instead would blame the whole OS.


These reasons are from the app end of things, but what happens when critical parts of the OS are to blame? The initial builds of 5.0 Lollipop come to mind when we talk of messed up releases. Poor memory management forced users to reboot their phones frequently, which in turn is a process that shaves off a few precious percentages of juice in mere minutes. Then there's the Mobile Radio Active Bug which prevented phones from going to sleep. Overall, the update was a step down from the stable days of Android 4.4 Kitkat, and you could read about poor battery life practically everywhere on the forums. Android 6.0 Marshmallow brought in Doze to ease off the battery woes, but the strict requirements for Doze to come into play limited its ability to increase short term standby or active use time. Initially Doze showed noticeable results only when the device is left stationary for long periods of time, but the improved Doze in Android 7.0 Nougat relaxes the requirements to push forth a lenient version of Doze early-on in the screen-off state. Once the device becomes stationary for a while and the requirements for strict Doze are met, the previous variant would kick in. As Nougat is still yet to gain mainstream consumer traction, the perception of the average is unaffected by this update that they have not experienced. This is all from an AOSP point of view, because with custom skins from OEM, the number of inconsistencies keeps on mounting.

A lot of the gains that we see in battery life are from advancements in other pieces of technology evolving better than the OS. It is a complex equation with a lot of variables — other variables like screen tech, SoC power consumption and even increase in physical capacity, all combined give us marginally better life each year (if that). The improvements in these factors often need to compensate for the negative effects that the OS, rogue apps and manufacturer additions do to the usable life of the phone.

So what can be possibly done to fix this issue?

There is no easy, one-word answer to this multi-faceted problem. Instead, a shift in approach could help lower the variability in battery life or at least help regular users understand what is going on. Transparency with the workings of Google Play Services will aid in figuring out where the root problem lies. The identification of the issue solves a good part of the headache, since users (who care) will then be able to find solutions to their specific issue rather than try troubleshooting the umbrella problem of Play Services draining their battery. A breakdown of the functioning of Play Services, with an estimate of battery usage for its specific functionality and what called for this functionality can help in case the infamous item goes rogue. Pinpointing the offender would be the ideal case solution, and improved transparency would be a good start in achieving that goal. Granularity in the headings that the OS currently reports under will also work towards the locating trouble points — wide umbrella terms just do not cut it anymore in an OS so complex.

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Another approach could be Google incorporating a way to easily identify and interpret wakelocks within AOSP. Figuring out what is misbehaving on a phone should not be a process limited to power users only. Needing root (which in turn needs a custom recovery, often a custom kernel and also an unlockable bootloader — not to mention the unfair loss of warranty) to figure out what is not letting your phone sleep and achieve that state of Zen Doze is a strong dissuading factor to the users who simply want to know what is causing the battery issues on their phone. Having to flash modifications like Amplify Xposed Module to solve these issues is something we are very used to at XDA, but even OEMs are focusing on battery life and managing background services in their latest releases. In fact, Google could take a page out of some of the bloated skins' books, because a few of them provide better app monitoring and issue identification, as well as notifications when the system spots a major offender in real time. There are settings which help users understand what is draining their battery life beyond the oh-so-very-useful "Android OS" header, and there are tips on how the effect of the drain could be minimized — not to mention an ever-increasing number of battery saving options, such as lowering resolution or switching performance mode. It is not perfect in implementation, but something is better than nothing, and it's appreciated if and when it is done right.

All of these suggestions involve informing and empowering the user rather than restraining the culprits. We do know that Google is laying the foundation to tackling background services, slowly beginning with Android Nougat. But it could be a long time before we see tangible results across the ecosystem. We'd like to end on the note that Android is now a mature OS. The problems should ideally not exist in the first place. But since they do, it is only fair that better tools are provided to troubleshoot. Officially.

What are your thoughts on Android's battery issues, and the current methods to troubleshoot them? Let us know in the comments below!

from xda-developers

Google Photos v2.0.0.133029744 Released

Google Photos app has been updated to version, The changelog does not mention anything much beyond the usual "bug fixes and improvements", but we are likely to find goodies to justify the version bump to v2.x in our upcoming teardown. Stay tuned!

from xda-developers

Android Distribution Numbers Shows Marshmallow at 18.7%

The Android version distribution numbers for the 7-day period ending on September 5, 2016 are available. This month, we see Marshmallow has grown to 18.7% and 5.0/5.1 Lollipop is at a solid 35%. All of Android KitKat takes up 27.7% of the user base, Jelly Bean is at 15.6%, Ice Cream Sandwich is at 1.4%, Gingerbread is at 1.5% and Froyo is still holding onto that 0.1% of the market share.

from xda-developers

Google’s Security Team Announces the Project Zero Prize

Google already has an Android Security Rewards program to reward those who are finding exploits in the Android OS, but Project Zero is taking it a step further. The contest will continue until March 17th, and challenges researchers to discover an exploit on the Nexus 5X and Nexus 6P that provides access to third-party application files in internal storage. The top prize is $200,000; which should provide for ample of motivation.

from xda-developers

No New Android Wear Smartwatches This Year from Huawei, Motorola or LG

A report originating from CNet mentions that mainstream Android Wear players are likely to skip a release for this half-year. Motorola, Huawei and LG are not planning on releasing any new smartwatches for the holiday season of 2016. While LG did have a release in the first half of 2016, Motorola and Huawei released their last watch almost a year ago.

from xda-developers