
samedi 14 janvier 2017

Which Rumored Device Do You Plan to Upgrade This Year?

We're entering full swing into the season of new smartphone as Mobile World Congress 2017 approaches. This means we get more leaks, more rumors, and thus more smartphones.

Knowing how the past smartphones performed, the OEM's track record, and what the future leaks and rumors point towards, we ask you:

Which rumored device do you plan to upgrade to this year? What new features, additions, or upgrades do you look forward to in your next smartphone purchase? What price point are you aiming for in your next smartphone? If you do not plan on upgrading, why?

Let us know in the comments below!

Image Credit: Nokia 1100 Concept

from xda-developers

Using Google Maps in a Third World Country

Nothing is more annoying than when Google Maps gives you the wrong directions, lists incorrect business hours, or doesn't have updated street view photos. Of course, these are just everyday problems For Rawad who lives in Lebanon. Rawad took us for a drive to show us what it's like using Google Maps in a third world country.

You can often find yourself lost, as it sometimes takes years to update new roads. In Lebanon, some of the maps are showing data that is up to seven years old. The altitude data has a glitch wish causes it to constantly display inaccurate information. For one reason or another, Google does not allow you to download maps in Lebanon for offline use. These are just some of the problems you'll encounter in less privileged countries.

What are some of the common problems you find in Google Maps, for your area?

from xda-developers

Renders of Samsung Galaxy S8 with Headphone Jack and Stereo Speakers Leaked

There's a lot riding on the Samsung Galaxy S8. Not only does it have to become the next successful flagship from Samsung after the Note 7 debacle, it also has to thwart attempts from other Android OEMs who will be pulling out their own flagships in the same time frame. A failure at this period will give users other options to choose from, and Samsung seems to have realized this.

Previous rumors relating to the Galaxy S8 noted the removal of the 3.5mm headphone jack port. However, this aspect of the phone seems to have changed, if the latest leaks and rumors are to be believed.

GSMArena got their hands on 3D renders based on accurate schematics of the Galaxy S8 from a case maker. According to these renders, the Galaxy S8 truly embraces the curved display. The curves on the display now appear more pronounced and push the bezel out of sight. The Hone button continues to remain absent in the renders, further strengthening the rumor that the physical buttons have been done away with entirely.

The back of the device bears only a single camera. GSMArena suggests that the Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus variant will be the one sporting the dual camera setup. If true, this will lead to greater differentiation between the two models than one just being an over-sized version of the other. There is no fingerprint sensor to be found on the back, which builds up on the rumors that Samsung will be placing the scanner below the display.

The renders also depict what appears to be the 3.5mm headphone jack port, at the bottom. AndroidPolice notes a similar scenario with regards the presence of the headphone jack port, based on information received through an independent source.

Also to note, the renders show that there are two sets of speaker holes, one each at the top and bottom on the mid-frame. This suggests that the Galaxy S8 will feature stereo speakers.

The Samsung Galaxy S8 is reportedly set for launch on April 18th, but Samsung seems to be open to the idea of previewing the device earlier.

What are your thoughts on the Samsung Galaxy S8 so far? Is the device ticking the right boxes for you? Let us know in the comments below!

Source 1: GSMArena Source 2: AndroidPolice

from xda-developers

Only a Few Rough Edges Hinder the Pixel from Luring the Apple Mainstream

I have owned a number of iPhones including the 5S, 6S, 7, 7+ and the SE. I also currently have a Google Pixel and have had every major flagship from HTC, LG, and Samsung over the course of the last year as well as the always excellent OnePlus 3.

I like this market, I like where is has come from, I love what it has morphed into and I am hopeful for what the future holds. Being an early Android adopter and using it regularly every year since, I have watched as a massive shift unfurled: Android has grown from a toddler-like OS trying to find its legs, transitioned into its awkward teen years where changes were inexplicably coming from all over, and blossomed into maturity with its most recent releases. All the while though, iOS has been trading blows with it, leapfrogging each other in an endless cycle with each new or recycled "innovation" and major staple release as a catalyst for another battle. While many aspects of the core operating system have had Android leading in recent releases, Google still has the ever-present problem of not having ground-up optimization ('vertical integration', as they call it) on Android handsets it does not design, and the "built for this hardware" advantages that the iPhone uses so well. Google's Pixel was supposed to fix that with its release 3 months ago, and in many ways it achieved it.

So how does it hold up?  Has Google finally got the formula right to go toe to toe with iOS and it's equally combative iPhone? Or has Google done what it always does, go 90% of the way and leave the rest to chance? 

Pixel Imperfect Performance…

Important Note: While this article is going to focus on the Pixel and its Android, the same can be applied to most Android skins and their hardware.

When people talk about the iPhone, one of the most common advantages mentioned is that "it just works", and this is actually true. While hardware and software bugs plague every OS, the iPhone has the distinct combined advantage of ground-up optimization, little device diversity and variance, and a far larger user base on its latest and greatest, making bug finding and fixing more effective. The Pixel, nonetheless, compares surprisingly well in day-to-day operation — one might even call it uncanny considering Google's past record, and the device ultimately plows through a solid workday with polish and consistency.

A common issue with Android devices has been the need to either reboot them or otherwise take them through a short maintenance (like cleaning cache) after a while, especially if you are any sort of heavy user who cares about performance; while Samsung devices are particularly bad, 5X and 6P owners have noticed similar issues over time and I've personally had it with every Android phone I have used. While most mainstream users may ignore the dropped frames or slowed-down app launches, we notice them. However, the Pixel is vastly improved in this area. Out of the 5 or so owners of Pixel phones here at XDA, most of us have been able to go 2 or 3 weeks without issues — crashes, sudden slowdowns, etc. While this seems like a small thing, it is huge for mass market adoption and just goes to show that Google paid attention to cleaning up some of the user experience friction with the Pixel.

Unfortunately, it's not perfect, and personally I have had to manually reboot my Pixel a few times after just a few days due to random issues like the Play Store repeatedly crashing or WiFi Calling failing to engage. This is in comparison to the iPhone which might as well not have a power off function. My iPhone's have all been rebooted only for OS updates (I'm a beta user) and little else to break the routine. On the surface, this is a small thing, but small slowdowns and inconsistent performance add to the frustration that users have mentioned as the reason for switching to or back to iOS. "It just works" means you shouldn't have to dig through the settings menu to clear the cache or manually delete leftover data from applications that were uninstalled.

Further along those lines of "it just works" is Google's continued issues with Bluetooth audio. While I personally do not have any issues with BT in my Nissan Rogue, there are a number on the forums and Reddit who have considerable issues pairing, playing music, or having random disconnects.

Battery life is also a major concern for users. Again, this is an area where the Pixel excels as the smaller 5" model almost always exceeds the longevity that I expect a phone of its size. I say "almost always" for a reason, and that is the unpredictability of massive sources of battery drain. True, sometimes it is poorly coded applications like Snapchat or Facebook, but other times you may see Android System or Android OS or the Google App running rogue in the background and there is almost nothing you can do to stop it aside from a reboot which seldom works. Sometimes, even with excellent monitoring and being sure to avoid commonly-bad applications or practices, your efforts are in vain when you notice it dropping without reason. If there is one thing my parents always mention when we talk about phones, it is that "the other day" their phone randomly just started eating battery and needed to be plugged in midday, "but its fine now"... In comparison, both of my iPhone 7's get consistently fantastic battery life, with my 7+ going hard all day and not dying.

User Experience Matters

Another area where the Pixel and Android falter is in messaging. Now, this issue is largely minimized outside the US where large IM clients like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger or WeChat reign supreme; but in the US, Google has got to get a handle on messaging and quickly. While I am not going to get into the fine details of the issue, as everyone has their own priorities when it comes to messaging, the fact is that like it or not, Apple has a stranglehold on the market due to iMessage. This is due in large part to the almost perfect widespread reliability and a "so simple anyone can use it without anything more than signing into their phone" approach. Google has introduced client after client and with its newest offspring Allo and Duo dying on the vine, it seems that RCS is its best chance at a true competitor, but that has gotten off to a rocky and slow start and if there is anything Google has learned recently it's that poor adoption kills messaging clients… and social networks.

Finally there is the restore and backup system. So, story time: I got my iPhone 7 Plus the other day, and had my 7 setup the way I wanted it. With no effort, I signed into my Apple account on the Plus, selected restore from iCloud Backup (which is done every night automatically), and sat my phone down for 45 minutes to an hour. When I returned I can confidently say 100% of my SMS conversations, Call Logs, and settings were restored and 75% of my applications had their logins restored, with no guesswork or effort. This makes things stupid-simple for going from device to device and ensures that when you buy the next one, most of your work is already done for you. When announced, Google claimed the Pixel featured full device backup as well, yet it is anything but. In my personal experience, if you are fortunate enough to even have your device show up in the selection field of backed up phones, you will likely have to hope your phone navigates the literal minefield of issues. Google Play Services needs to be updated, restore failure. The Play Store gets updated, restore failure. Try to install an application, may cause restore failure. Did your SMS fail to restore like this poor guy from Reddit? Well, just wipe and try again… 

Let's not even go into the fact that few applications actually use the backup function for anything of worth, as it seems to be overwhelmingly optional that any vital data backs up — out of 160 applications on my Pixel a whopping 67 are located in the backup and not all have a snapshot-style backup like on iOS. For reference, my open Safari tabs were synced to the new iPhone…

There are numerous other situations and scenarios in which Android is just downright annoying to use and its reliability waivers; but it's the Android we've grown to love despite its faults. Unfortunately, that doesn't help new users and converts who have grown to expect excellence in reliability and functions from their iPhone's, and is likely a major cause of why the iPhone is quickly regaining traction and slated to overtake Android very soon in the US. It does, however, paint a promising picture for the future. Google has made a tremendous leap in the past 18 months making Android more secure, reliable, and pleasurable to use. The age old "there are more/better apps on iOS" is no longer an argument either, there are just different apps for iOS. But the tide has turned yet again away from Google's favor as current market indicators look, and they are slated to fight an uphill battle in 2017 with the 10th anniversary iPhone looking to eat up all the media through the summer.

Google has done a great job on the Pixel, and regular feature and security updates have only made it better

This article isn't saying that Android is inferior to iOS, but it also is not saying that Google got it completely right with their first try in a top to bottom UX-tuning with the Pixel. There are a lot of flaws that the Pixel has in both hardware and software that need attention in order for the mass market to really grab on. The iPhone is no perfect unicorn either. Bluetooth audio issues, relatively (abysmally) poor notification management, a back button located in the exact worst spot for a large 5.5" device, and the worst abuses of white space this side of Windows 10, make iOS a chore to use and even harder to love. But the iPhone excels at being gloriously, wonderfully, annoyingly boring; its monotone reliability in both hardware and software is its biggest flaw and greatest asset. This holds true even if they virtually tie their hand behind their back by making largely-unpopular decisions with their phones… you know what I'm talking about.

It's a Great Start…

However, Google has done a great job on the Pixel, and regular feature and security updates have only made it better, and will likely continue to do so. Google got off to a great start but the competition is tougher and has a lot of momentum. To truly be a start to finish competitor with the iPhone and iOS, Google has to put more effort into making the little things work flawlessly, every single time, and less effort into major feature pushes. There is no use trying to launch a spacecraft into orbit with the biggest best jet engine and the shiniest coat of paint if they forgot to bolt the windscreen into place.

So when push comes to shove, what phone have I recommended most in these last three months? Well, what I tell people is the following: if you are a die-hard lifelong Android user, dislike iOS, are ready for a change, or you just have to have a headphone jack; get the Pixel. Otherwise (and especially if I haven't met you on XDA or an Android forum), the iPhone is still the hardware and reliability king and you can't go wrong, because "it just works", even today. Maybe this year and with a new Pixel, that small gap that's left will close enough for the phrase to phase out of existence.

>>> Check out XDA's Google Pixel Forums!

from xda-developers

Create an On-Demand Train Schedule/Delay Notifier with Tasker

Recently, we've shown you how to create profiles to save your parking spot or to start navigation while avoiding tolls/highways/ferries. Continuing our trend on commute-related Tasker scripts, we will create a script aimed at people who frequently use public transportation. This Tasker project will create a schedule of train departures and delays to give you the information you need to plan your commute. If Google Transit covers your particular locale, this profile should work for you.

For quite awhile now I have been trying to get the train schedules and delays on request.  I have noticed that Google Now can show you the train schedule and delay card, but the card isn't available until you actually reach the train station. I plan some of my journeys ahead of time and I find entering each train ticket to receive the "Leave Now" card very impractical. A few tests later I was able to display this card with a live train table on request, however, there were some caveats:


Because Google Now tries to cleverly serve your information, cards are only displayed on your device when Google thinks you need it, not necessarily when you would actually like to see one. This means that there are situations when the card with the train schedules and delays may not be displayed even though you have a calendar event with a location in the same city within the next few hours! Removing the location from the event fixes that and the Google Now Card should report correctly.

While the train updates show up instantly, going back to the original location may take a few moments. Bear in mind that this will mess up your %LOC variable in Tasker until the next GPS fix is available. If these limitations do not bother you, then read on to implement this on-demand train schedule notifier!

You will need:
Android version: 4.0+,
Apps: Google App (with Google Now enabled)
Plugins:  AutoLocation, AutoToolsAutoVoice (optional)
Needs: Mock Location enabled (see developer options)

Train Schedule and Delays with Tasker

For the purpose of this tutorial I will split the request into two triggers:
Train schedules and delays Tasker

Dialog request

Manual Lookup

  Manual Lookup          Abort Existing Task          A1: AutoTools Dialog [ Configuration:Dialog Type: List  Title: Pick the train station  Icon: /storage/emulated/0/Material-Icons-011017-121644/res/drawable-xxxhdpi/ic_train.png  List Type: 0  Texts: Yarn,Manchester  Text Size: 20  Text Color: #E3F2FD  Button Text Color: #E64A19  Image Width: 100  Commands: 54.4939:-1.3516,53.4774:-2.2309  Dim Background: true  Top Margin: 16  Bottom Margin: 16  Bottom Buttons Top Margin: 16  Bottom Buttons Bottom Margin: 16  Close On Select: true  Separator: ,  Command Variable: atcommand  Cancelable: true  Turn Screen On: true Timeout (Seconds):60 ]           A2: Variable Split [ Name:%atcommand Splitter:: Delete Base:Off ]           A3: Variable Set [ Name:%lat To:%atcommand1 Recurse Variables:Off Do Maths:Off Append:Off ]           A4: Variable Set [ Name:%lon To:%atcommand2 Recurse Variables:Off Do Maths:Off Append:Off ]           A5: AutoLocation Mock Location [ Configuration:  Starting Mock Locations  Persistent Notification: true  Notification Title: We are set your location to %attext  Notification Text: Don't worry it will get cancelled soon.  Latitude: %lat  Longitude: %lon  Accuracy: 10 Timeout (Seconds):0 ]           A6: Variable Set [ Name:%LocationTimeout To:%TIMES+180 Recurse Variables:Off Do Maths:On Append:Off ]  

In this scenario, the coordinates for each station have to be assigned manually. This is a great way of adding your train stations for regular commutes. To start, we will need to use Google to find the exact coordinates for each station in question. Google Maps won't show you the GPS coordinates directly if a named location is displayed, but you can find it in the URL of the location. For example, the coordinates for Leeds Station is bolded in the URL below:,-1.5497304,17z/data=  

The Latitude is first (53.7943125) and the Longitude second (-1.5497304). We need to format it so we can use it with the AutoTools Dialog action:

  53.7943125:-1.5497304 (please note the colon)  


My AutoTools Dialog action stores the names of the stations in the Text field (separated by comma) and the associated coordinates are stored in the Commands field  (also separated by comma):

  • Yarm, Manchester
  • 54.4939:-1.3516,53.4774:-2.2309

The dialog will be closed once the option is selected.  You can find this behavior in advanced settings.


I need to split these when the appropriate option is pressed and separate the coordinates with the splitter ':' (colon) Next, just store the %atcommand1 in %lat and %atcommand2 in %lon using two Variable Set action.


These values will be used in the AutoLocation Mock Location action as the Latitude and Longitude entries. I will also pass the %attext in the associated notification because I'm fancy like that!
Accuracy of 10m is enough to get trigger Google Now's train card.


Lastly, I will create a timeout by setting the variable %LocationTimeout to %TIMES+180 (or however long in seconds you wish to keep the fake location on for). Select 'do math'. That action will trigger our canceling profile later.

Voice request

Voice Request

  Profile: Lookup any Train station          Event: AutoVoice Recognized [ Configuration:Command: "show me trains at*. (regex)" ]  Enter: AutoLocation lookup (81)          A1: AutoLocation Info [ Configuration:Coordinates Search Query: %avcommnofilter  Coordinates Max Results: 1 Timeout (Seconds):60 ]           A2: AutoLocation Mock Location [ Configuration:  Starting Mock Locations  Persistent Notification: true  Notification Title: I'm pretending that you are at %avcommnofilter  Notification Text: I will reset the location soon  Latitude: %alcoordenatelatitudes1  Longitude: %alcoordenatelongitudes1  Accuracy: 10 Timeout (Seconds):0 ]           A3: Variable Set [ Name:%LocationTimeout To:%TIMES+180 Recurse Variables:Off Do Maths:On Append:Off ]   


The AutoLocation profile is used to get the coordinates of the train station. I'm limiting the results to one entry only. This way I will know where in the %alcoordenatelatitudes() and %alcoordenatelongitudes() arrays. (Please note the spelling mistake in the variable – this is how AutoLocation names the variable. The developer is aware of this and plans to fix it in his next update.)


To pass the name of the train station, I'm using the AutoVoice Recognize event. The command filter is: show me trains at*. (regex)  (using the hard way option). The name of the train station will be stored in the %avcommnofilter variable, which is used to perform the AutoLocation Info action for the coordinates search.


Once the coordinates are known, I simply use the AutoLocation Mock Location action again to start the mock location service with Latitude = %alcoordenatelatitudes1 and Longitude = %alcoordenatelongitudes1 (I would limit my results to 1 for more precision).


Lastly, I'm adding the same action Variable Set as mentioned earlier to trigger the end of location spoofing. Set the %LocationTimeout to %TIMES+180 (or however long you want to wait before timing out).

Cancel Location Spoofing

Cancel the location spoofing

  Profile: End fake location (84)          Time: From %LocationTimeout  Enter: Cancel fake location (82)          A1: AutoLocation Mock Location [ Configuration:  Stopping Mock Locations Timeout (Seconds):0 ]           A2: Variable Clear [ Name:%LocationTimeout Pattern Matching:Off ]  

A very simple task in which the AutoLocation Mock Location gets unchecked and canceled, and the variable %LocationTimeout is cleared.


Sadly the Train schedules and delay Tasker profile can't be used for now to get the same information from coach stations. I hope this will change in the future. I find this project to be a very handy solution whenever I want to check the status of a train I'm trying to catch.

Download the project file on AndroidFileHost!

In order to import a Tasker project file, download the above file and save it anywhere in your internal storage. Open up Tasker and check to make sure that "beginner mode" is disabled in the preferences menu. Then, long-press on the "home" icon in the bottom left hand corner and click on "import". Find the prj.xml file you saved earlier, and select it to import it. You will now see a new tab in the bottom row containing all of the profiles and tasks we referenced in this article.

We hope you enjoy this little creation of ours, and let us know if you think we can make any enhancements!

from xda-developers

vendredi 13 janvier 2017

Pure Nexus ROM on the Pixel XL

In this video, Miles shows us one of the most customizable ROMs available for the Pixel XL. Pure Nexus is one of the hottest ROMs for Pixel XL right now and it's definitely ready to be your next daily driver.

One of the highlights of this ROM is the Substratum integration. This theme engine is a favorite among the XDA community and offers so much in customization options. You'll also find tons of tweaks for your lock screen, notification menu, status bar, navigation bar, power menu and more.

"The Pure Nexus Project aims to bring stability and features to your Nexus/Pixel device, while keeping Google's vision in line and not straying too far away from that. If you are looking for a stable ROM with true tested features and minimal bugs, then this is the place to be."


To see a full list of features and download this ROM for yourself, see the official XDA thread.


from xda-developers

Google Maps v9.43.2 Update Integrates Ridesharing Service Uber

Whether it be to avail promotional discounts on whichever service is offering one currently, or it be to look for lower surge pricing, or simply for checking which provider has the nearest cab: a lot of us rely on information from multiple apps to get the best deal for our needs. Google Maps v9.43.2 brings all such information into one convenient place — right on our maps. A past update to Maps displayed limited information regarding estimated price and driver info, but the newest update increases the scope of the information displayed. You can see the location of all drivers around you across different services displayed pictorially on the map, along with bifurcations for different types of cab rides.

Ridesharing service integration goes one step further if your primary choice is Uber. The latest update to Google Maps allows you to book a ride, track your driver, complete, and pay for the ride without ever leaving Maps — even if you do not have Uber installed on your phone!

Google has put together a video depicting the whole process:

You do need to sign into your Uber account, or make a new one to make use of the integration. Google Maps also has useful information regarding your destination such as business hours and menus, so you are always informed about relevant information regarding your destination throughout your journey.

The update to Google Maps has begun to roll out for both Android and iOS. Google's announcement post does not mention integrating other ridesharing providers such as Lyft as of now, but we can assume functionality will expand to include the service in the near future.

Source: The Keyword

from xda-developers